410 South Clay St. Sturgis, MI 49091

MOD-4 Free Indeed from Root Spirits

SHEKINAH REGIONAL EQUIPPING CENTER 4600 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor., Ann Arbour, MI, United States

Location: Shekinah,  4600 Scio Church Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Cost: $35.00/person Seminar without accreditation Cost: $105.00/person with training accreditation Call 734-662-6040 for more information or go to WWW.SHEKINAHCHURCH.ORG/EVENTS


MOD-1 Basic Building Blocks of Deliverance

Grace Refuge Chapel 10711 Outer Drive, Detroit, MI, United States

Saturday, February 22, 2020 9am - 4pm Grace Refuge Chapel 10711 Outer Drive, Detroit 48233

Interested in Scheduling a Seminar or Session?

We believe it's the right of every human being to experience the fullness of life in Jesus.